Career Scope
Offices of C&F Agents, CHAs, ICDs, Shipping Lines, ports, airports, railways, container lines, etc. Offices where the execution / documentation of export-import, foreign exchange, etc. is required.
Course Structure
Paper 1: International Marketing
Paper 2: Economic Analysis & Marketing Research
Paper 3: Financial Management for Export Enterprise
Paper 4: International Business Environment
Paper 5: Export-Import Practices, Procedures and Documentation
Paper 6: Cultural Heritage of India
For Whom?
Fresh Graduates:
It is best suited for those who want to focus only on export-import without having to do an expensive BBA/MBA courses.
Working Professionals:
Industrialists and/or entrepreneurs who want to manage/establish international business.
Executives with experience in Export-Import / International Marketing / Foreign Exchange / Shipping and Logistics related work in any sector.
Executives from C&F Agents, CHAs, ICDs, Shipping Lines, ports, airports, railways, container lines, etc. who deal with the execution / documentation of export-import, foreign exchange, etc.
Officers/Executives from Min. of Commerce, DGFT, EXIM Bank, Department of Customs, banks, etc., who deal with economic analysis, export-import, foreign exchange, etc.
Women executives who aspire to re-join the corporate sector after a family break.
Others who are desirous of learning how international trade is conducted.
Academic Schedule
Contact Hours: 150 hours
Batch Timings: Evening classes
Academic Evaluation Criteria
Internal Marking (based on attendance, assignments, internal exam, Viva and Presentations)
Final Exam
Internships. (This is for non-working or desirous candidates only)
The course has been recognized as a Post-Graduate Diploma by Gujarat University.